Mr. W.W.Kalindra Jayaweera Fernando
23rd January 2019 06:37pm
2 Members Involved in the Topic
SASA new web page
We need your ideas about sasa new web page
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Mr. B.S. Kekulawala23rd January 2019 10:44pm
- it is functioning well as we wish. now all the members to be informed to sign up.

Mr. W.W.Kalindra Jayaweera Fernando24th January 2019 11:34am
- If there is a problem pls let me know.
Mr. W.W.Kalindra Jayaweera Fernando
15th February 2019 10:08pm
0 Members Involved in the Topic
Protest of Sri Lanka Administrative Service officers
If there is no immediate positive response to our requests such as special allowance and other grievances what are your opinions about our protest which will be scheduled to be held on 27th February at Colombo.
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