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Dr. A. Saarrankan

Dr. A. Saarrankan

Department of Development Finanace, M

Batch of 2003


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21 June 2023

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A. Saarrankan

Dr. A. Saarrankan

05th July 2022 11:44am
0 Members Involved in the Topic

Appointment to Popular Service Stations as per PSC circular

It is observed that popular Service stations such as Department of Immigration and Emigration, Department of Motor Traffic are appointed SLAS officers by the Ministry subject to Public Administration whereas vacancies in other popular service stations such as Department of Sri Lanka Customs, Department of Excise, Department of Inland Revenue are appointed by the Ministry of Finance as an internal transfer mechanism. therefore several SLAS officers who are not in the Ministry of Finance, are not able to get working experience in these places. Further, it creates bottle neck problem that when officers who experienced in the stations, be reappointed to ministry of finance. Thus, SLAS officers from outside of Ministry of Finance are not able to get transfer both in the Ministry of Finance as well as these popular service stations. some times, It is practicing that the officer who appointed to these popular service stations are asked to get transfer out of Ministry of Finance, then it is disadvantage to the ministry of finance loosing experienced officers in the operation of the popular service stations. Hence, it is proposed to handle the transfer schemes of these three popular service stations by the Ministry of Public Administration similar to transfer schemes of the DMT and The Department of Immigration and emigration.

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